Audio Research VTM200 // Preowned / Tube Amplifier Monoblocks / 905-906


The VTM200 is an exciting new amplifier design for a number of reasons. First, it packs a strong 200 watts RMS output into a chassis size identical to the VT100MKII stereo. That means it can easily be tucked into a ventilated cabinet or behind a loudspeaker. Internal fan cooling is controlled by a two-speed switch on the rear panel. Output tube biasing is very user friendly, incorporating a simple rotary switch and large three-digit LED display on the back of the chassis. The system works by adjusting bias on just two of six 6550C output tubes, and checking bias level on the remaining four tubes. Input is XLR - only for best performance; output taps are provided for 4, 8 or 16-ohm speaker loads. We've even incorporated a 12V power trigger for custom-installation purposes.

Using classic vacuum-tube circuit design, the input stage of the VTM200 uses direct-coupled JFETs for ultra low noise. The input stage is followed by a single 6N1P vacuum-tube amplifying stage, which in turn is coupled to a pair of triode-connected 6L6GC tubes used as direct-coupled, cathode-follower drivers to provide exceptional linearity combined with good stability and service life. The output stage of six 6550 tubes is fed by a power supply with 438 joules of energy storage. Screen voltage for the partially cathode coupled output stage is supplied via two 6AS7 regulator tubes (in current production) driven by a 6N1P. The end result is an input/drive/output combination with incredible linearity and dynamic headroom, having great stability under dynamic conditions and varying speaker loads. The VTM200 should prove to be one of the most successful and popular Audio Research power amplifiers ever.

Sonically, the VTM200 has resolving power and musical dynamics which easily put it in the Reference class. Bass response is fast and powerful - here's where the big, linear power supply shows its mettle! Staging is extremely well-focused, layered and naturally proportioned. In fact, the VTM200 likely sets a new standard in its class with its ability to spatially replicate a good recording. With power, richness of body and an uncanny ability to resolve small textural and harmonic detail, the VTM200 is the kind of amplifier that demands to be driven by a current-generation Audio Research preamplifier.


Ships in original packaging.

The VTM200 is an exciting new amplifier design for a number of reasons. First, it packs a strong 200 watts RMS output into a chassis size identical to the VT100MKII stereo. That means it can easily be tucked into a ventilated cabinet or behind a loudspeaker. Internal fan cooling is controlled by a two-speed switch on the rear panel. Output tube biasing is very user friendly, incorporating a simple rotary switch and large three-digit LED display on the back of the chassis. The system works by adjusting bias on just two of six 6550C output tubes, and checking bias level on the remaining four tubes. Input is XLR - only for best performance; output taps are provided for 4, 8 or 16-ohm speaker loads. We've even incorporated a 12V power trigger for custom-installation purposes.

Using classic vacuum-tube circuit design, the input stage of the VTM200 uses direct-coupled JFETs for ultra low noise. The input stage is followed by a single 6N1P vacuum-tube amplifying stage, which in turn is coupled to a pair of triode-connected 6L6GC tubes used as direct-coupled, cathode-follower drivers to provide exceptional linearity combined with good stability and service life. The output stage of six 6550 tubes is fed by a power supply with 438 joules of energy storage. Screen voltage for the partially cathode coupled output stage is supplied via two 6AS7 regulator tubes (in current production) driven by a 6N1P. The end result is an input/drive/output combination with incredible linearity and dynamic headroom, having great stability under dynamic conditions and varying speaker loads. The VTM200 should prove to be one of the most successful and popular Audio Research power amplifiers ever.

Sonically, the VTM200 has resolving power and musical dynamics which easily put it in the Reference class. Bass response is fast and powerful - here's where the big, linear power supply shows its mettle! Staging is extremely well-focused, layered and naturally proportioned. In fact, the VTM200 likely sets a new standard in its class with its ability to spatially replicate a good recording. With power, richness of body and an uncanny ability to resolve small textural and harmonic detail, the VTM200 is the kind of amplifier that demands to be driven by a current-generation Audio Research preamplifier.


Ships in original packaging.

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