From their Maynard, Massachusetts, research facilities, audio pioneers Hermon Hosmer Scott and Chief Research Engineer, Daniel R. von Recklinghausen made their mark on the Golden Age of the High-Fidelity landscape.
H.H. Scott has been a leading manufacturer of superb high fidelity components since 1946. During this period Scott has been responsible for the introduction of many new concepts in both the engineering and design of components.
H.H. Scott produced the first high fidelity amplifier (in the modern sense of the term). Later, Scott eliminated unsightly wires and tubes by designing the first “flat” amplifier…..bringing high fidelity components from the workshop to the living room. Scott was the first manufacturer to introduce a successful Wide-Band FM tuner, and Scott was first to deliver multiplex adapters and tuners which met the requirements of today’s FCC-approved (Zenith/GE) stereo transmission system. And Scott was the first to produce modular tuner-amplifier combinations.
Lacking the capital needed to continue operations, Scott terminated its production in October 1972. In November 1972, several of Scott’s creditors filed a petition for involuntary bankruptcy under Chapter X of the Bankruptcy Act, and Scott filed a petition for reorganization under Chapter XI of the Bankruptcy Act. In the same month, Eastern Air Devices released its option to acquire the company. In January 1973, however, the Scott company was acquired by SYMA International, Brussels, Belgium, Scott’s European licensee.” “Production at Maynard was resumed in February 1973.”