Custom / Technics SL1200MK2 // Direct Drive Turntable / Kab & Aural Audiophile Upgrades

The Technics SL1200MK2 turntable has been the DJ's goto deck for almost 50 years - turned audiophile treasure, blending iconic durability with pitch-perfect accuracy. It's the turntable that refuses to quit, offering a listening experience that's as reliable as it is rhythmically precise, proving why it's remained a cult favorite decades on. We took this custom restoration all the way. It's now more than just a treasure, it's an audiophile's dream table.
The Technics SL1200MK2 turntable has been the DJ's goto deck for almost 50 years - turned audiophile treasure, blending iconic durability with pitch-perfect accuracy. It's the turntable that refuses to quit, offering a listening experience that's as reliable as it is rhythmically precise, proving why it's remained a cult favorite decades on. We took this custom restoration all the way. It's now more than just a treasure, it's an audiophile's dream table.

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