Vintage Nakamichi 1000 // R-DAT / Minty

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

This piece, part of the Nakamichi 1000 System, is easily the finest digital audio tape recorder and transport to ever touch the consumer market. This was their flagship component in 1989, and the system retailed for over $11k. The Nakamichi brand was built on the success of the original Nakamichi 1000, so the moniker wasn't handed out lightly. Based on rave reviews, and our own auditions, we'd agree this is one of the finest pieces in Nakamichi's history, easily worthy of the badge.

This piece, part of the Nakamichi 1000 System, is easily the finest digital audio tape recorder and transport to ever touch the consumer market. This was their flagship component in 1989, and the system retailed for over $11k. The Nakamichi brand was built on the success of the original Nakamichi 1000, so the moniker wasn't handed out lightly. Based on rave reviews, and our own auditions, we'd agree this is one of the finest pieces in Nakamichi's history, easily worthy of the badge.

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