Vintage Pioneer CT-F1000 // 3-Head Cassette Deck

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

Far from your typical front loading cassette deck. With belt driven dual-capstan transport, off-tape monitoring, mechanical tape counter and memory stop, the CT-F1000 was one of the most capable decks at it's release, and considered best in class. The CT-F1000 handles normal, chrome and ferro-chrome tapes with ease, and the heads can be easily accessed for cleaning. We've gone thru this deck top to bottom, and everything is right as rain. Your tape collection wants this.

Far from your typical front loading cassette deck. With belt driven dual-capstan transport, off-tape monitoring, mechanical tape counter and memory stop, the CT-F1000 was one of the most capable decks at it's release, and considered best in class. The CT-F1000 handles normal, chrome and ferro-chrome tapes with ease, and the heads can be easily accessed for cleaning. We've gone thru this deck top to bottom, and everything is right as rain. Your tape collection wants this.

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