Vintage / Mcintosh MA6200 // Integrated Amplifier / Recapped & Restored

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

The McIntosh MA6200 is more than just an integrated amplifier; it’s a piece of audio history. Its combination of classic design, impeccable build quality, and outstanding sound performance makes it a must-have for any serious audiophile or music lover. Whether you’re new to the world of high-fidelity audio or a seasoned enthusiast, the MA6200 is sure to impress with its timeless appeal and sonic excellence. Dive into the world of McIntosh and rediscover your music collection with the MA6200 – a true icon in the realm of integrated amplifiers.


There is some white discoloration on some of the metal on the knobs, but otherwise, this piece is nearly flawless.

The McIntosh MA6200 is more than just an integrated amplifier; it’s a piece of audio history. Its combination of classic design, impeccable build quality, and outstanding sound performance makes it a must-have for any serious audiophile or music lover. Whether you’re new to the world of high-fidelity audio or a seasoned enthusiast, the MA6200 is sure to impress with its timeless appeal and sonic excellence. Dive into the world of McIntosh and rediscover your music collection with the MA6200 – a true icon in the realm of integrated amplifiers.


There is some white discoloration on some of the metal on the knobs, but otherwise, this piece is nearly flawless.

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