Vintage Era MK6 // Transcription Turntable / Unipivot Arm / Audioquest 404b MC / Serviced

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

A rare and highly regarded transcription table from the French company ERA. The MK6 was their flagship model 444, offered without a tonearm. This piece features a Unipivot tonearm, fitted with an Audioquest 404b MC – considered THE high-end moving coil cartridge. This piece has been fully serviced and lubed, with a new belt, and you can expect it to perform flawlessly. Together, this package is an incredible value.

A rare and highly regarded transcription table from the French company ERA. The MK6 was their flagship model 444, offered without a tonearm. This piece features a Unipivot tonearm, fitted with an Audioquest 404b MC – considered THE high-end moving coil cartridge. This piece has been fully serviced and lubed, with a new belt, and you can expect it to perform flawlessly. Together, this package is an incredible value.

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