Michell Gyrodec MKII // Turntable / SME Series IV Tonearm / Gold Platter Pucks

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it just doesn't get much prettier than this. With its gold pucks and black platter spinning for the SME IV, terminated with a vintage Grado G2+, this beautiful Michell Gyrodec is a stunning example. The clean, modern lines are a timeless classic – you'd never guess this table is vintage – almost as old as Kim Kardashian. It’s certainly had as much work done.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it just doesn't get much prettier than this. With its gold pucks and black platter spinning for the SME IV, terminated with a vintage Grado G2+, this beautiful Michell Gyrodec is a stunning example. The clean, modern lines are a timeless classic – you'd never guess this table is vintage – almost as old as Kim Kardashian. It’s certainly had as much work done.

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