Fairchild 440 // Transcription Turntable / SME 3009 Tonearm / Complete Restoration

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

Beyond the rarity. Beyond the stunningly clean, mid-century lines. You'll find a vintage turntable that you doesn't fall short on performance. With the added SME 3009 tonearm, this turntable will rival many of the very best.

We've fitted a new, yet pedestrian, Audio-technica cartridge to it, as we imagine the next steward of this gorgeous table may already have a cart in mind, or would want to a choice. Because of our relationships with Ortofon and Sumiko, we can make deals you won't find online - for that special someone :)

Beyond the rarity. Beyond the stunningly clean, mid-century lines. You'll find a vintage turntable that you doesn't fall short on performance. With the added SME 3009 tonearm, this turntable will rival many of the very best.

We've fitted a new, yet pedestrian, Audio-technica cartridge to it, as we imagine the next steward of this gorgeous table may already have a cart in mind, or would want to a choice. Because of our relationships with Ortofon and Sumiko, we can make deals you won't find online - for that special someone :)

May We Suggest

New / Ortofon  2M Red // MM Cartridge / Elliptical Diamond

New / Ortofon 2m Red // Mm Cartridge / Elliptical Diamond

New / Ortofon  2M Blue // MM Cartridge / Nude Elliptical Diamond

New / Ortofon 2m Blue // Mm Cartridge / Nude Elliptical Diamond

New / Ortofon  2M Bronze // MM Cartridge / Nude Fine Line Diamond

New / Ortofon 2m Bronze // Mm Cartridge / Nude Fine Line Diamond

New / Ortofon  2M Black // MM Cartridge / Nude Shibata Diamond

New / Ortofon 2m Black // Mm Cartridge / Nude Shibata Diamond

New / Hana EL // Low Output MC Cartridge / Synthetic Elliptical Diamond

New / Hana El // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Synthetic Elliptical Diamond

New / Hana EH // High Output MC Cartridge / Synthetic Elliptical Diamond

New / Hana Eh // High Output Mc Cartridge / Synthetic Elliptical Diamond

New / Hana SH MKII // High Output MC Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana Sh Mkii // High Output Mc Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana SL MKII // Low Output MC Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana Sl Mkii // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana SL MKII Mono // Low Output MC Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana Sl Mkii Mono // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Shibata Diamond

New / Hana ML // Low Output MC Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Ml // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana MH // High Output MC Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Mh // High Output Mc Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Umami Blue // Low Output MC Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Umami Blue // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Umami Red // Low Output MC Cartridge / Microline Diamond

New / Hana Umami Red // Low Output Mc Cartridge / Microline Diamond
