Berning EA-230 // Vintage Dual Mono Stereo Tube Amplifier / 30wpc

SOLD , now part of a Private Collection

The Berning EA-230 is not your run-of-the-mill tube amp—it's a David Berning creation, which means it follows none of the usual rules. If typical tube amps are vintage roadsters—charming but temperamental—then the EA-230 is a high-performance sleeper car that looks unassuming but runs circles around the competition. This 30-watt-per-channel push-pull tube amp is packed with quirks, surprises, and a cult following of devoted audiophiles who swear it punches well above its weight class.

At first glance, the EA-230 looks deceptively simple, but under the hood, it's anything but. Berning ditched the usual EL34 or KT88 output tubes and instead went with 6JN6 sweep tubes—originally designed for TV sets, not high-end audio. Why? Because Berning never does things the conventional way.

This amp runs these tubes at a low idle current (~3mA per tube!), meaning they last forever compared to most tube amps that burn through their glass bottles like a rockstar on a bender. If you hate the constant cost of retubing, the EA-230 is your best friend.

And, of course, there’s the output transformer debate—except in this case, Berning does use one (unlike his later OTL amps), but it’s still a uniquely engineered beast that doesn’t behave like traditional transformers.

The Berning EA-230 is not your run-of-the-mill tube amp—it's a David Berning creation, which means it follows none of the usual rules. If typical tube amps are vintage roadsters—charming but temperamental—then the EA-230 is a high-performance sleeper car that looks unassuming but runs circles around the competition. This 30-watt-per-channel push-pull tube amp is packed with quirks, surprises, and a cult following of devoted audiophiles who swear it punches well above its weight class.

At first glance, the EA-230 looks deceptively simple, but under the hood, it's anything but. Berning ditched the usual EL34 or KT88 output tubes and instead went with 6JN6 sweep tubes—originally designed for TV sets, not high-end audio. Why? Because Berning never does things the conventional way.

This amp runs these tubes at a low idle current (~3mA per tube!), meaning they last forever compared to most tube amps that burn through their glass bottles like a rockstar on a bender. If you hate the constant cost of retubing, the EA-230 is your best friend.

And, of course, there’s the output transformer debate—except in this case, Berning does use one (unlike his later OTL amps), but it’s still a uniquely engineered beast that doesn’t behave like traditional transformers.

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