New / HIFI Rose RS250A // Streamer w/DAC


The HiFi Rose RS250A Network Streamer is your cutting-edge companion for audio and video entertainment. This streamer, DAC, and pre-amplifier allows you to immerse yourself in the sonic tapestries of timeless albums, as well as the engaging graphics and dynamic performances of the latest music videos. The RS250A is ideal for the voracious music fan who wants to access entertainment with a simple touch of the finger.

The HiFi Rose RS250A Network Streamer is your cutting-edge companion for audio and video entertainment. This streamer, DAC, and pre-amplifier allows you to immerse yourself in the sonic tapestries of timeless albums, as well as the engaging graphics and dynamic performances of the latest music videos. The RS250A is ideal for the voracious music fan who wants to access entertainment with a simple touch of the finger.

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