Discwasher Discorganizer // Vintage Record Cleaning Kit Accessory / Zerostat / D3 Record Cleaner


You would have to look closely to know this kit is nearly 50 years old, and not from the wear, but from the details. The truly vintage Zerostat anti-static gun is a clue, with it's space-age lines, but it has so much zap left, surely it's new? The dead giveaway is the D3 fluid – astute readers will point out Discwasher introduced D4 in the mid 70's. And the bottle is still full. We'd say we're as shocked as you are, but we still have the Zerostat.

You would have to look closely to know this kit is nearly 50 years old, and not from the wear, but from the details. The truly vintage Zerostat anti-static gun is a clue, with it's space-age lines, but it has so much zap left, surely it's new? The dead giveaway is the D3 fluid – astute readers will point out Discwasher introduced D4 in the mid 70's. And the bottle is still full. We'd say we're as shocked as you are, but we still have the Zerostat.

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